Tuesday, March 9, 2021

I remember my Dad saying….

things to my sister and me over the years. Things that really didn’t make a lot of sense, until now.
How many of these do you remember your Dad saying? How many do you catch yourself saying??

°Don’ ask me, ask your mother.

°You didn’t beat me, I let you win.

°Don’t worry. It’s only blood.

°Now you listen to ME, Buster!

°A little dirt never hurt anyone-just wipe it off.

°I told you, keep your eye on the ball.

°If you forget, you’ll be grounded till the end of the world.

°You call that a haircut?

°This will hurt me a lot more than it hurts you.

°Turn off those lights. Do you think I am made of money?

°Don’t give me any of your lip, young lady.

°You call that “music”?

°We’re not lost. I’m just not sure where we are.

°Shake it off. it’s only pain.

°When I was your age, I treated MY father with respect.

°As long as you live under my roof, you’ll live by my rules.

°I’ll tell you why. Because I said so. That’s why.

°So you think you’re smart, do you?

°What’s so funny? Wipe that smile off your face.

°I’m not sleeping, I was watching that channel.

°I’m not just talking to hear my own voice!



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