Saturday, April 11, 2020

Humanity’s Dilemma and Fate


Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1772-1834

Humanity’s Dilemma and Fate

The World seems to be so disgusted, outraged and surprised at this Coronavirus, however, diseases, epidemics, pandemics, and plaques have been around for centuries, and shall keep sneaking up all over the world for centuries to come.

Below is a list of plaques that occurred over the last 6-7 Centuries, and besides these outbreaks listed below, between 1996 and 2019 many more different outbreaks occurred allover the world, too many to list here, among them Cholera, Ebola, Typhoid Fever, Yellow Fever, and Malaria.

The list below goes as far back as I was able to verify,

China 1333 Devasting Plaque

Europe 1347-1351 Great Plaque – Black Death -1/3 of Europe dead, millions Middle East, Asia

Europe 1361Plaque

Europe 1369 Plaque

Europe 1374-1375 Plaque

Europe 1390 Plaque

Europe 1563 Plaque –  London alone 20,000 dead

Canada 1646 Smallpox

England 1665 Black death – Bubonic Plaque

England 1800s Cholrea – 4 x during the century

Russia 1908 Cholera

World 1918 Spanish Flu

England 1926 Influenza

Canada 1953 Polio Epidemic

England 2001 Foot-and-Mouth disease

USA 2001 Anthrax

Canada-USA 2002 West Nile Virus

China 2004 Sars

Europe 2009-2010 Pandemic H1N1

South America 2015 Zirka Virus

World 2020 Coronavirus

Here is a link to the WHO website, to see all

outbreaks since 1996.


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